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15 minute sermon by Evan A. Fry on Baptism. "About no other ordinance or doctrine of the Christian church is there so much disagreement, so much argument, or so much scoffing indifference, as there is about the ordinance of baptism...All Christians are agreed on one thing; that man is powerless to save himself, and that salvation is to be had only in and through the atonement of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Man cannot save himself. He is helpless, completely dependent on Christ for his salvation. Therefore he is in no position to dictate the terms on which he will be saved. Christ, the only person who can save him, dictates the terms. To try to change them to suit the individual fancy, or simply to ignore them scornfully and still expect a full salvation, is rebellion. It is an expression of the very attitude which sinful man must repent of and discard if he expects the atonement of Christ to be effective for him."
This electronic publication copyright © 2016 LatterDayTruth.org; All Rights Reserved.Original script for sermon #11 of the Hear Ye Him radio series, a 15 minute sermon by Evan A. Fry on Baptism. "About no other ordinance or doctrine of the Christian church is there so much disagreement, so much argument, or so much scoffing indifference, as there is about the ordinance of baptism...All Christians are agreed on one thing; that man is powerless to save himself, and that salvation is to be had only in and through the atonement of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Man cannot save himself. He is helpless, completely dependent on Christ for his salvation. Therefore he is in no position to dictate the terms on which he will be saved. Christ, the only person who can save him, dictates the terms. To try to change them to suit the individual fancy, or simply to ignore them scornfully and still expect a full salvation, is rebellion. It is an expression of the very attitude which sinful man must repent of and discard if he expects the atonement of Christ to be effective for him."
This electronic publication copyright © 2017 LatterDayTruth.org; All Rights Reserved.Article discusses baptism for the dead. "It is not commonly known that President Young taught and administered baptism for the dead in a very different way than Joseph did, This he admits, in part, while at Nauvoo, after Joseph's death, as may be seen by consulting his sermons in the Times and Seasons. And it is not commonly known to Utah Saints that Joseph taught that baptism for the dead could be done properly, only by revelation; that is, that no living person should be baptized for a dead one unless there was a divine revelation through 'the man of God;' (to say that the dead one desired, and was prepared for, such proxy baptism; but such is the fact. Faith and repentance, must precede baptism; and how can it be known that any dead person has the requisite faith and repentance except it is revealed through legitimate channel, 'the man of God?'"
This electronic publication copyright © 2016 LatterDayTruth.org; All Rights Reserved.Discusses the subject of baptism. Shares 6 witnesses who testified in the scriptures of the need for baptism, the mode of baptism (immersion), the significance of baptism, and baptism a beginning. Baptism is one of six fundamental gospel principles taught in the Scriptures, (see Hebrews 6:1, 2), and believed in by the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
This electronic publication created with the express approval of the original copyright holder: The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints (Community Of Christ). Copyright © 2013 LatterDayTruth.org; All Rights Reserved.Discusses the subject of baptism. Shares 6 witnesses who testified in the scriptures of the need for baptism, the mode of baptism (immersion), the significance of baptism, and baptism a beginning. Baptism is one of six fundamental gospel principles taught in the Scriptures, (see Hebrews 6:1, 2), and believed in by the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
This electronic publication created with the express approval of the original copyright holder: The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints (Community Of Christ). Copyright © 2015 LatterDayTruth.org; All Rights Reserved.Includes 7 sections: The Godhead, The Plan Of Salvation, The Church, Eschatology, Revelation, and The Doctrine Of Temporalities.
This electronic publication created with the express approval of the original copyright holder: The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints (Community Of Christ). Copyright © 2016 LatterDayTruth.org; All Rights Reserved.Discusses who has authority to represent God. "I have not been able to discover a single case in the New Testament where the minister for Christ simply felt his personal call and went to work." And, "Jesus sought the will of his Father, and delegated that authority only as God revealed his will to him after a night of prayer. Notice again that it was not the men who decided on the basis of an inner call that they were to be the twelve. Jesus said, 'Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you' (John 15:16)."
This electronic publication copyright © 2016 LatterDayTruth.org; All Rights Reserved.Original script for sermon #25 of the Hear Ye Him radio series, a 16 minute sermon by Evan A. Fry. He states, "I have not been able to discover a single case in the New Testament where the minister for Christ simply felt his personal call and went to work." And, "Jesus sought the will of his Father, and delegated that authority only as God revealed his will to him after a night of prayer. Notice again that it was not the men who decided on the basis of an inner call that they were to be the twelve. Jesus said, 'Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you' (John 15:16)."
This electronic publication copyright © 2024 LatterDayTruth.org; All Rights Reserved.Brother Draper states, "In the complex world in which we live today, there are a great many decisions to make, problems to solve, and difficulties to be overcome. Usually, while faced with the intricacies of modern life, we are called upon to make a choice as to the ideals, goals, and ambitions upon which we are going to build our future happiness. And yet, how few of us realize that all of these matters depend upon desire? Yes, perhaps, but more fundamentally upon what we believe; upon what we believe politically, socially, scientifically, and religiously...My brother and my sister, do you cling to beliefs that matter to you? If you do, then for the sake of the Kingdom and the church let us show that they matter not only to us but to the world; and then we, too, shall receive that driving power that never fails; the Spirit of God. And we, too, shall not be denied."
This electronic publication created with the express approval of the original copyright holder: The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints (Community Of Christ). Copyright © 2019 LatterDayTruth.org; All Rights Reserved.17 minute sermon by Evan A. Fry on The Bible Promises Other Scriptures, given on July 5, 1953. Brother Fry states, "The history of the Jews who dwelt in Jerusalem has always been an open book -- the Bible. But there was a colony of Jerusalem's inhabitants who came to America, developed a great civilization, and later fell into destruction. This is the civilization pointed out in verse 2 [Isaiah 29], which says 'It (or other translations read "she") shall be unto me as Ariel.' The record of these people, the Nephite colony from Jerusalem, is contained in the Book of Mormon, which for centuries was buried in tho ground, and which now speaks low out of the dust, out of the ground."
This electronic publication copyright © 2023 LatterDayTruth.org; All Rights Reserved.Original script for sermon #27 of the Hear Ye Him radio series, a 17 minute sermon by Evan A. Fry on The Bible Promises Other Scriptures. Brother Fry states, "The history of the Jews who dwelt in Jerusalem has always been an open book -- the Bible. But there was a colony of Jerusalem's inhabitants who came to America, developed a great civilization, and later fell into destruction. This is the civilization pointed out in verse 2 [Isaiah 29], which says 'It (or other translations read "she") shall be unto me as Ariel.' The record of these people, the Nephite colony from Jerusalem, is contained in the Book of Mormon, which for centuries was buried in tho ground, and which now speaks low out of the dust, out of the ground."
This electronic publication copyright © 2023 LatterDayTruth.org; All Rights Reserved.Short biography of Frederick G. Williams from Journal of History. Contains information on his birth, conversion, and his ordination as a member of the First Presidency on March 18, 1833.
This electronic publication copyright © 2016 LatterDayTruth.org; All Rights Reserved.Extensive biography on Alexander H. Smith, son of Joseph Smith Jr., written by his daughter, Vida E. Smith. Contains many pictures, information and testimonies of his life and ministry. 269 pages.
This electronic publication copyright © 2016 LatterDayTruth.org; All Rights Reserved.Biography of Sidney Rigdon, a member of the First Presidency, taken from Journal Of History volumes 3 and 4. Contains information about his birth in 1793 through his death in 1876.
This electronic publication copyright © 2016 LatterDayTruth.org; All Rights Reserved.Reply by R. C. Evans to a paper published by the RLDS Church. R. C. Evans left the RLDS Church in 1918 and started a new Church, the Church Of The Christian Brotherhood, with many former RLDS Church members in Canada. R. C. Evans was later excommunicated by the RLDS Church and shortly thereafter died on January 18, 1921 of pneumonia.
This electronic publication copyright © 2016 LatterDayTruth.org; All Rights Reserved.Bishop's Annual Report Of Receipts and Expenditures of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints from January 10, 1902, to January 10, 1903.
This electronic publication copyright © 2016 LatterDayTruth.org; All Rights Reserved.Bishop's Annual Report Of Receipts and Expenditures of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints from January 10, 1903, to January 10, 1904.
This electronic publication copyright © 2016 LatterDayTruth.org; All Rights Reserved.Includes receipts and expenditures of the RLDS Church from January 10, 1905 to January 10, 1906.
This electronic publication copyright © 2019 LatterDayTruth.org; All Rights Reserved.Bishop's Annual Report Of Receipts and Expenditures of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints from January 10, 1906, to January 10, 1907.
This electronic publication copyright © 2016 LatterDayTruth.org; All Rights Reserved.Bishop's Annual Report Of Receipts and Expenditures of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints from January 10, 1907, to January 10, 1908.
This electronic publication copyright © 2016 LatterDayTruth.org; All Rights Reserved.Bishop's Annual Report Of Receipts and Expenditures of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints from January 10, 1908, to January 10, 1909. Also includes two pages of obituaries.
This electronic publication copyright © 2016 LatterDayTruth.org; All Rights Reserved.Bishop's Annual Report of receipts and expenditures of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints from January 10, 1913, to January 10, 1914.
This electronic publication copyright © 2017 LatterDayTruth.org; All Rights Reserved.Bishop's Annual Report of receipts and expenditures of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints from January 10, 1914, to January 10, 1915.
This electronic publication copyright © 2017 LatterDayTruth.org; All Rights Reserved.Bishop's Annual Report of receipts and expenditures of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints from January 10, 1916, to December 31, 1916.
This electronic publication copyright © 2017 LatterDayTruth.org; All Rights Reserved.Bishop's Annual Report Of Receipts and Expenditures of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints from January 1, 1918, to December 31, 1918.
This electronic publication copyright © 2016 LatterDayTruth.org; All Rights Reserved.49 minute sermon by Apostle Arthur Oakman. He talks about Jesus Christ and the last supper. He also talks about agency and states, "We are free, for the origin of our actions is ourselves, but we are bound hand and foot because from ourselves there is no deliverance, unless it be through the mercy and the merits and the grace of Jesus Christ, who declares the love of God to us in those terms by which he is able to come to us and take us and lift us off of ourselves as center and re-center us in God."
This electronic publication copyright © 2015 LatterDayTruth.org; All Rights Reserved.16 minute sermon by Evan A. Fry about The Body of Christ. "It is one of the tasks of the church, as the body of Christ, to take men of a lower or earthly kingdom, and by means of the new birth, through the saving ordinances of the church to transmute that lower life to the life of Christ's kingdom....Because the church of Christ is his body, it is more than an organization. It is an organism. It must have life, or it is a dead body which can do none of the work which a body is supposed to do. If a group of men neet together and effect an organization which they call a church; it may be a good organization, but it cannot be an organism; it cannot be the body of Christ. Like produces like. Men can put into a church only the life which is within themselves --which is no life at all except a fleeting mortality. The body of Christ is formed only as the life of Christ, the intelligence of Christ, the will of Christ moves to call out, select, and organize the constituent human elements needed to make a church, and then endows them with his life, and sets them in proper organizational relationship with each other, and commissions them to perform his work on earth."
This electronic publication copyright © 2021 LatterDayTruth.org; All Rights Reserved.Original script for sermon #15 of the Hear Ye Him radio series, a 16 minute sermon by Evan A. Fry about The Body of Christ. "It is one of the tasks of the church, as the body of Christ, to take men of a lower or earthly kingdom, and by means of the new birth, through the saving ordinances of the church to transmute that lower life to the life of Christ's kingdom....Because the church of Christ is his body, it is more than an organization. It is an organism. It must have life, or it is a dead body which can do none of the work which a body is supposed to do. If a group of men neet together and effect an organization which they call a church; it may be a good organization, but it cannot be an organism; it cannot be the body of Christ. Like produces like. Men can put into a church only the life which is within themselves --which is no life at all except a fleeting mortality. The body of Christ is formed only as the life of Christ, the intelligence of Christ, the will of Christ moves to call out, select, and organize the constituent human elements needed to make a church, and then endows them with his life, and sets them in proper organizational relationship with each other, and commissions them to perform his work on earth."
This electronic publication copyright © 2021 LatterDayTruth.org; All Rights Reserved.Contains revelations received through Joseph Smith, Jr., chapters 1 to 65. Published by W. W. Phelps in Independence, Missouri, USA. A mob destroyed the printing press before all the revelations could be printed.
This electronic publication copyright © 2011 LatterDayTruth.org; All Rights Reserved.Published in Zion's Ensign vol. 10:4 (April 20, 1899)
This electronic publication copyright © 2014 LatterDayTruth.org; All Rights Reserved.4 pages. Article originally published in The Saints' Herald in 1943. Brother Shute states, "What does the Book of Mormon claim to be? It is an abridgment many times repeated, a synopsis of a synopsis. It deals with the broad current of ancient American history rather than with its details. What historical narrative it contains is interlarded with sermons, admonitions, and prophecies."
This electronic publication copyright © 2017 LatterDayTruth.org; All Rights Reserved.15 minute sermon by Evan A. Fry on Book Of Mormon Doctrines, given on August 16, 1953. He states, "The Book of Mormon teaches that there is one God, who is omnipotent, supreme over heavens and earth, God above all. This God is eternal, everlasting, the same yesterday, today, and forever, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. He is perfect, just, merciful. He is all-wise; he knoweth all things. He is a God who is still at work, whose work will never be finished, for he is eternal, and his course is one eternal round. This God is the creator of all things, both the heavens and the earth; he is the Father and Creator of man. This creation was accomplished through the instrumentality of his Son, Jesus Christ, who for this reason is also called a Creator, and the Father of heaven and earth. God is unchangeable; his decrees are unalterable. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever; in him there is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. His power is undiminished, and always will be; he is still a God of miracles, of might, of wonder, of power. He is impartial; he remembers one nation like unto another; he is mindful of every people, and every man is precious in his sight. "God is not a partial God, neither a changeable being, but he is unchangeable from all eternity to all eternity."
This electronic publication copyright © 2024 LatterDayTruth.org; All Rights Reserved.Original script for sermon #33 of the Hear Ye Him Radio series, a 15 minute sermon by Evan A. Fry given on August 16, 1953. He states, "The Book of Mormon teaches that there is one God, who is omnipotent, supreme over heavens and earth, God above all. This God is eternal, everlasting, the same yesterday, today, and forever, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. He is perfect, just, merciful. He is all-wise; he knoweth all things. He is a God who is still at work, whose work will never be finished, for he is eternal, and his course is one eternal round. This God is the creator of all things, both the heavens and the earth; he is the Father and Creator of man. This creation was accomplished through the instrumentality of his Son, Jesus Christ, who for this reason is also called a Creator, and the Father of heaven and earth. God is unchangeable; his decrees are unalterable. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever; in him there is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. His power is undiminished, and always will be; he is still a God of miracles, of might, of wonder, of power. He is impartial; he remembers one nation like unto another; he is mindful of every people, and every man is precious in his sight. "God is not a partial God, neither a changeable being, but he is unchangeable from all eternity to all eternity."
This electronic publication copyright © 2024 LatterDayTruth.org; All Rights Reserved.16 minute sermon by Evan A. Fry on Book Of Mormon Evidences, given on August 2, 1953. He states, "One of the mysteries which never ceased to puzzle the early Spanish fathers, was the seeming familiarity of the native Americans with Christian doctrines and ordinances. They practiced baptism; they had something very closely resembling the Lord's Supper; they venerated the cross; they had a higher and lower priesthood; they worshipped a bearded white God whose features were depicted in carvings as semitic in cast. This God, who was known under a variety of names such as Quetcalcoatl, KulKulKan, and Wiracocha, was always described in the same terms. He was white in contrast to the darker Indians; he was bearded, while the Indians were beardless; he had not been born among them, but suddenly appeared out of the east; he required no blood sacrifices of either animals or men; he had been slain on a cross but rose to life again; he was the giver and originator of much of their religion and culture; he left without dying, 'promising to return again.' These traditions agree most remarkably with the Book of Mormon story of Christ's visit to America, and make a fascinating and inexhaustible study for those who have time and inclination to follow it."
This electronic publication copyright © 2024 LatterDayTruth.org; All Rights Reserved.Original script for sermon #31 of the Hear Ye Him Radio series, a 16 minute sermon by Evan A. Fry, given on August 2, 1953. He states, "One of the mysteries which never ceased to puzzle the early Spanish fathers, was the seeming familiarity of the native Americans with Christian doctrines and ordinances. They practiced baptism; they had something very closely resembling the Lord's Supper; they venerated the cross; they had a higher and lower priesthood; they worshipped a bearded white God whose features were depicted in carvings as semitic in cast. This God, who was known under a variety of names such as Quetcalcoatl, KulKulKan, and Wiracocha, was always described in the same terms. He was white in contrast to the darker Indians; he was bearded, while the Indians were beardless; he had not been born among them, but suddenly appeared out of the east; he required no blood sacrifices of either animals or men; he had been slain on a cross but rose to life again; he was the giver and originator of much of their religion and culture; he left without dying, 'promising to return again.' These traditions agree most remarkably with the Book of Mormon story of Christ's visit to America, and make a fascinating and inexhaustible study for those who have time and inclination to follow it."
This electronic publication copyright © 2024 LatterDayTruth.org; All Rights Reserved.A series of nine sermons on the evidences of the Book of Mormon delivered in the Saints' Church, Independence, Missouri, on the evenings of February 13-21, 1894. Corrected and revised edition.
This electronic publication copyright © 2017 LatterDayTruth.org; All Rights Reserved.16 minute sermon by Evan A. Fry on Book Of Mormon Witnesses, given on August 9, 1953. He states, "It will surprise you, if you will think a moment, to discover how much of what you know is dependent on the testimony of someone else. We rely on the record of witnesses to establish the facts of history which we have not experienced, the existence of persons and places we have never seen. We rely on witnesses to convict or acquit those charged with crimes or misdemeanors in a court of law. We depend on witnesses to establish the signatures on wills and other legal documents. When Jesus wanted to establish the fact of his resurrection, he committed that testimony to twelve faithful witnesses. To some it is given to know, and to others it is given to believe on the testimony of others."
This electronic publication copyright © 2024 LatterDayTruth.org; All Rights Reserved.Original script for sermon #32 of the Hear Ye Him Radio series, a 16 minute sermon by Evan A. Fry given on August 9, 1953. He states, "It will surprise you, if you will think a moment, to discover how much of what you know is dependent on the testimony of someone else. We rely on the record of witnesses to establish the facts of history which we have not experienced, the existence of persons and places we have never seen. We rely on witnesses to convict or acquit those charged with crimes or misdemeanors in a court of law. We depend on witnesses to establish the signatures on wills and other legal documents. When Jesus wanted to establish the fact of his resurrection, he committed that testimony to twelve faithful witnesses. To some it is given to know, and to others it is given to believe on the testimony of others."
This electronic publication copyright © 2024 LatterDayTruth.org; All Rights Reserved.1830 Palmyra edition of the Book of Mormon, published by E. B. Grandin.
This electronic publication copyright © 2010 LatterDayTruth.org; All Rights Reserved.Sermon by R. C. Evans which was published in Zion's Ensign volume 10:4 (February 16, 1899). He states, "The Book of Mormon comes to the world with the avowed object of convincing the Jew and the Gentile that Jesus is the Christ; and we shall endeavor to show you how that work of convincing will be carried on through the instrumentality of God's sacred law."
This electronic publication copyright © 2018 LatterDayTruth.org; All Rights Reserved.Pamphlet written in the Danish language, "Brighamism represented, or Brigham Young as Leader and Prophet."
This electronic publication copyright © 2014 LatterDayTruth.org; All Rights Reserved.55 minute sermon by Apostle Arthur Oakman of the RLDS Church. He states, "I think it is foolish of us to close our eyes to our adversary, and I think if we are to combat sin we must study its manifestations, recognize it for what it is. And we cannot do this in our own strength either, because it's in the very nature of sin to deceive the sinner."
This electronic publication copyright © 2016 LatterDayTruth.org; All Rights Reserved.Includes all 7 tracts from the Busy Man's Series.
This electronic publication created with the express approval of the original copyright holder: The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints (Community Of Christ). Copyright © 2014 LatterDayTruth.org; All Rights Reserved.Complete set of 6 tracts.
This electronic publication created with the express approval of the original copyright holder: The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints (Community Of Christ). Copyright © 2017 LatterDayTruth.org; All Rights Reserved.