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Fifth in a series of six lectures given to the Melchisedec Priesthood at the RLDS Stone Church in Independence, Missouri, USA from October 3 to 13, 1966. Brother Oakman states, "Brethren, there is an outer, external world which is designed to minister the life of God to us. And there is also an invisible, interior, inner world, and it is this invisible interior world, the world that is within us, with which we have to do, so terribly important. And, all of the apparatus known to us as the universe, the whole flux of things created, the presence of our fellow men, our heritage, history, all things, are designed that we may take them inside us. And that there may be created in us, in each one of us a universe of discourse, which shall be truly in harmony with the Spirit, and the mind, and the will of our Heavenly Father."
This electronic publication copyright © 2013; All Rights Reserved.Fifth in a series of six lectures given to the Melchisedec Priesthood at the RLDS Stone Church in Independence, Missouri, USA from October 3 to 13, 1966. Brother Oakman states, "Brethren, there is an outer, external world which is designed to minister the life of God to us. And there is also an invisible, interior, inner world, and it is this invisible interior world, the world that is within us, with which we have to do, so terribly important. And, all of the apparatus known to us as the universe, the whole flux of things created, the presence of our fellow men, our heritage, history, all things, are designed that we may take them inside us. And that there may be created in us, in each one of us a universe of discourse, which shall be truly in harmony with the Spirit, and the mind, and the will of our Heavenly Father." This pamphlet is designed to be printed in a "booklet" format; choose booklet printing under your printer options.
This electronic publication copyright © 2013; All Rights Reserved.15 minute sermon by Evan A. Fry on Baptism. "About no other ordinance or doctrine of the Christian church is there so much disagreement, so much argument, or so much scoffing indifference, as there is about the ordinance of baptism...All Christians are agreed on one thing; that man is powerless to save himself, and that salvation is to be had only in and through the atonement of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Man cannot save himself. He is helpless, completely dependent on Christ for his salvation. Therefore he is in no position to dictate the terms on which he will be saved. Christ, the only person who can save him, dictates the terms. To try to change them to suit the individual fancy, or simply to ignore them scornfully and still expect a full salvation, is rebellion. It is an expression of the very attitude which sinful man must repent of and discard if he expects the atonement of Christ to be effective for him."
This electronic publication copyright © 2016; All Rights Reserved.Discusses the subject of baptism. Shares 6 witnesses who testified in the scriptures of the need for baptism, the mode of baptism (immersion), the significance of baptism, and baptism a beginning. Baptism is one of six fundamental gospel principles taught in the Scriptures, (see Hebrews 6:1, 2), and believed in by the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
This electronic publication created with the express approval of the original copyright holder: The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints (Community Of Christ). Copyright © 2013; All Rights Reserved.24 page tract on the necessity of water baptism for salvation. Brother Luff states, "To us, this question sounds about the same as would the inquiry, 'Is faith in God necessary?' We cannot understand why it should be asked by persons who have read the Bible carefully for themselves; but it is being asked, and that, too, by honest and intelligent persons. Hence we venture a very plain answer, and a few plain reasons for that answer. We shall use the Bible in so doing, believing that God's word will be taken in preference to ours. Our answer is, 'Yes, water baptism is essential to salvation.'"
This electronic publication copyright © 2017; All Rights Reserved.16 minute sermon by Evan A. Fry on Baptism. Brother Fry states, "Ye must be born again! It takes a new man, a new creature in Christ Jesus, to live a new life. If we are ever to have that brave new world about which prophets and seers and statesmen have dreamed, we can have it, not by changing the world but by changing ourselves. Men who are unregenerate, who live by their carnal, sinful nature, simply take all the wealth, the science, the invention, and the education which we have devised in this enlightened age and turn it to hellish and destructive purposes, or use it as a means of exploiting each other? Things in themselves are neither good or bad. They become good or bad only as they are used for good or evil purposes by good or evil men. A race of reborn men, who had repented of their sin, covenanted in baptism to serve Christ, and then received of his life, his Spirit, could take the same materials, the same inventions, the same scientific achievements which are making our world a hell today, and make the world a heaven almost overnight. The responsibility for today's world lies not in the things which surround us, but in ourselves, in the character of men everywhere who need to be born again from above."
This electronic publication copyright © 2016; All Rights Reserved.Short biography of Frederick G. Williams from Journal of History. Contains information on his birth, conversion, and his ordination as a member of the First Presidency on March 18, 1833.
This electronic publication copyright © 2016; All Rights Reserved.Extensive biography on Alexander H. Smith, son of Joseph Smith Jr., written by his daughter, Vida E. Smith. Contains many pictures, information and testimonies of his life and ministry. 269 pages.
This electronic publication copyright © 2016; All Rights Reserved.Biography of Sidney Rigdon, a member of the First Presidency, taken from Journal Of History volumes 3 and 4. Contains information about his birth in 1793 through his death in 1876.
This electronic publication copyright © 2016; All Rights Reserved.Hubert Case served as a General Church Appointee for the RLDS Church starting in 1894. He and his wife Alice (Montague) Case traveled as missionaries to Tahiti in 1894. Many testimonies and experiences of Brother and Sister Case are shared, including an experience in which Hubert Case saw all of the Three Nephites. Brother Case labored in Oklahoma where many Native Americans were converted to the gospel.
This electronic publication created with the express approval of the original copyright holder: The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints (Community Of Christ). Copyright © 2016; All Rights Reserved.Published in Zion's Ensign vol. 10:4 (April 20, 1899)
This electronic publication copyright © 2014; All Rights Reserved.1830 Palmyra edition of the Book of Mormon, published by E. B. Grandin.
This electronic publication copyright © 2010; All Rights Reserved.Sermon by Elder Frederick F. Helvie, Resurrection Sunday 2020. The good tidings of the gospel and the kingdom of God, as prophesied in Isaiah 52:6-12; the antiquity of the gospel - the plan of redemption was prophesied from the very beginning, and spoken of by all the prophets; Jesus Christ is the pattern by which all things were made; the nature of the Father and the Only Begotten Son; we are created with spirtual and temporal bodies; the rebellion of man; the city of Zion; the everlasting covenant; the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
This electronic publication copyright © 2020; All Rights Reserved.Sermon by Elder Frederick F. Helvie, Resurrection Sunday 2020, audio plus slides. The good tidings of the gospel and the kingdom of God, as prophesied in Isaiah 52:6-12; the antiquity of the gospel - the plan of redemption was prophesied from the very beginning, and spoken of by all the prophets; Jesus Christ is the pattern by which all things were made; the nature of the Father and the Only Begotten Son; we are created with spirtual and temporal bodies; the rebellion of man; the city of Zion; the everlasting covenant; the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
This electronic publication copyright © 2020; All Rights Reserved.Brother Fry provides 12 distinct reasons why he believes in the Book of Mormon. This version was published by the Ensign Publishing House.
This electronic publication copyright © 2017; All Rights Reserved.Sermon by Elder Frederick F Helvie 09-22-2019. Expounding of scripture, explaining why there was a need for the restoration. Defines the key points of the fullness of the gospel that are contained in the Book of Mormon and Inspired Version of the Holy Scriptures: To show unto the house of Israel what great things the Lord has done for their fathers; that they may know the covenants of the Lord; that they are not cast off forever; to the convincing of the Jew and Gentile that Jesus is the Christ, the Eternal God; manifesting himself unto all nations.
This electronic publication copyright © 2020; All Rights Reserved.Sermon by Elder Frederick F Helvie 09-22-2019, audio plus slides. Expounding of scripture, explaining why there was a need for the restoration. Defines the key points of the fullness of the gospel that are contained in the Book of Mormon and Inspired Version of the Holy Scriptures: To show unto the house of Israel what great things the Lord has done for their fathers; that they may know the covenants of the Lord; that they are not cast off forever; to the convincing of the Jew and Gentile that Jesus is the Christ, the Eternal God; manifesting himself unto all nations.
This electronic publication copyright © 2020; All Rights Reserved.This version is different than the one found in the Biography Of Joseph F. Burton.
This electronic publication copyright © 2016; All Rights Reserved.1 page chart showing the Protestant Churches that split from the Catholic Church.
This electronic publication copyright © 2010; All Rights Reserved.Sermon by Elder Frederick F. Helvie, Resurrection Sunday 2020, audio plus slides. The good tidings of the gospel and the kingdom of God, as prophesied in Isaiah 52:6-12; the antiquity of the gospel - the plan of redemption was prophesied from the very beginning, and spoken of by all the prophets; Jesus Christ is the pattern by which all things were made; the nature of the Father and the Only Begotten Son; we are created with spirtual and temporal bodies; the rebellion of man; the city of Zion; the everlasting covenant; the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
This electronic publication copyright © 2020; All Rights Reserved.Sermon by Elder Frederick F. Helvie, Resurrection Sunday 2020. The good tidings of the gospel and the kingdom of God, as prophesied in Isaiah 52:6-12; the antiquity of the gospel - the plan of redemption was prophesied from the very beginning, and spoken of by all the prophets; Jesus Christ is the pattern by which all things were made; the nature of the Father and the Only Begotten Son; we are created with spirtual and temporal bodies; the rebellion of man; the city of Zion; the everlasting covenant; the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
This electronic publication copyright © 2020; All Rights Reserved.Edmund C. Briggs describes in this tract his experience of attending the first conference of the RLDS Church, held in a beautiful little grove about five and one-half miles west of Beloit, Wisconsin, in the town of Newark. 36 numbered pages.
This electronic publication copyright © 2016; All Rights Reserved.Tract by President W. W. Blair of the RLDS Church. He shares his personal testimony of the restored gospel and also discusses the Reorganization of the Church.
This electronic publication copyright © 2016; All Rights Reserved.16 minute sermon by Evan A. Fry. He states, "There is a startling unanimity of opinion among church historians that before three centuries had passed, the church which still claimed to be the church of Christ bore slight resemblance to the original. The conversion of the Emperor Constantine lifted Christianity from the status of a persecuted or tolerated religion to the status of a popular, court-favored, state religion?Paganism took over the Christian church. Henceforth, it was only a matter of time until church and state combined into one entity. Then the offices in the church, which had once been filled by the Spirit of God speaking through godly men set in the church, began to be filled by political maneuverings and secular appointments. Priesthood began to seek after the titles, the dress, and the emoluments of worldly princes and to forget their earlier ideals of service, humility, and unswerving morality. To put it bluntly, and yet as kindly as we may, we believe that the church went into apostasy."
This electronic publication copyright © 2016; All Rights Reserved.Sermon by Elder Frederick F Helvie 09-22-2019. Expounding of scripture, explaining why there was a need for the restoration. Defines the key points of the fullness of the gospel that are contained in the Book of Mormon and Inspired Version of the Holy Scriptures: To show unto the house of Israel what great things the Lord has done for their fathers; that they may know the covenants of the Lord; that they are not cast off forever; to the convincing of the Jew and Gentile that Jesus is the Christ, the Eternal God; manifesting himself unto all nations.
This electronic publication copyright © 2020; All Rights Reserved.Sermon by Elder Frederick F Helvie 09-22-2019, audio plus slides. Expounding of scripture, explaining why there was a need for the restoration. Defines the key points of the fullness of the gospel that are contained in the Book of Mormon and Inspired Version of the Holy Scriptures: To show unto the house of Israel what great things the Lord has done for their fathers; that they may know the covenants of the Lord; that they are not cast off forever; to the convincing of the Jew and Gentile that Jesus is the Christ, the Eternal God; manifesting himself unto all nations.
This electronic publication copyright © 2020; All Rights Reserved.Dream about a spearhead representing 7 prophets.
This electronic publication copyright © 2014; All Rights Reserved.Dream about a spearhead representing 7 prophets. Due to its prophetic nature it was republished in this publication.
This electronic publication copyright © 2014; All Rights Reserved.Dream in which he sees John the Beloved.
This electronic publication copyright © 2014; All Rights Reserved.This version is different than the one found in the Biography Of Joseph F. Burton.
This electronic publication copyright © 2016; All Rights Reserved.Discusses the coming of Christ, prophecies on the fall of the United States, ecclesiastical Babylon, Russia the destroying power, destruction by plane and bomb, Israel and her restoration and, when shall these things be?
This electronic publication copyright © 2011; All Rights Reserved.Describes 13 signs in detail and provides signs of the times, indicating the nearness of Christ's promised return to the world, and the end of the world, or destruction of the wicked.
This electronic publication copyright © 2015; All Rights Reserved.Discusses chapters 5 through 22 of the Book of Revelation. The study "attempts to interpret and emphasize the significance of the book of Revelation in its prophetic message for our day."
This electronic publication created with the express approval of the original copyright holder: The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints (Community Of Christ). Copyright © 2015; All Rights Reserved.Describes a falling away in the Church, but yet the Church will move forward to victory.
This electronic publication copyright © 2014; All Rights Reserved.Describes people leaving the Church like leaves falling off the trees; yet there will still be enough people left to build Zion.
This electronic publication copyright © 2012; All Rights Reserved.The author states, "Faith in God is both biblical and scientific. It is confirmed by the revelation in his written word, by the immediate testimony of the Holy Spirit, and by the works of nature: 'The three grand pillars upon which faith builds her glorious and imperishable works for the life that now is and for the life that is to come.' Every star, every blade of grass, every song bird, is a witness of God."
This electronic publication copyright © 2016; All Rights Reserved.The author states, "Faith in God is both biblical and scientific. It is confirmed by the revelation in his written word, by the immediate testimony of the Holy Spirit, and by the works of nature: 'The three grand pillars upon which faith builds her glorious and imperishable works for the life that now is and for the life that is to come.' Every star, every blade of grass, every song bird, is a witness of God." This is the first version of this pamphlet.
This electronic publication copyright © 2013; All Rights Reserved.Pamphlet is designed to be printed out in a "booklet" format; choose booklet printing under your printer options.
This electronic publication copyright © 2014; All Rights Reserved.Contains three articles; The Choice Seer Who Is He, The Choice Seer More Light, and The Personality of God. The Personality of God contains six parts; There is One God, God is Christ and Savior, Christ is God, God and Christ are One, Jesus Christ-His Sonship, and The Personality of God.
This electronic publication copyright © 2011; All Rights Reserved.Sermon by Elder Frederick F. Helvie, Resurrection Sunday 2020, audio plus slides. The good tidings of the gospel and the kingdom of God, as prophesied in Isaiah 52:6-12; the antiquity of the gospel - the plan of redemption was prophesied from the very beginning, and spoken of by all the prophets; Jesus Christ is the pattern by which all things were made; the nature of the Father and the Only Begotten Son; we are created with spirtual and temporal bodies; the rebellion of man; the city of Zion; the everlasting covenant; the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
This electronic publication copyright © 2020; All Rights Reserved.Sermon by Elder Frederick F. Helvie, Resurrection Sunday 2020. The good tidings of the gospel and the kingdom of God, as prophesied in Isaiah 52:6-12; the antiquity of the gospel - the plan of redemption was prophesied from the very beginning, and spoken of by all the prophets; Jesus Christ is the pattern by which all things were made; the nature of the Father and the Only Begotten Son; we are created with spirtual and temporal bodies; the rebellion of man; the city of Zion; the everlasting covenant; the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
This electronic publication copyright © 2020; All Rights Reserved.Includes 7 sections: The Godhead, The Plan Of Salvation, The Church, Eschatology, Revelation, and The Doctrine Of Temporalities.
This electronic publication created with the express approval of the original copyright holder: The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints (Community Of Christ). Copyright © 2016; All Rights Reserved.Sermon by Elder Frederick F. Helvie, Resurrection Sunday 2020, audio plus slides. The good tidings of the gospel and the kingdom of God, as prophesied in Isaiah 52:6-12; the antiquity of the gospel - the plan of redemption was prophesied from the very beginning, and spoken of by all the prophets; Jesus Christ is the pattern by which all things were made; the nature of the Father and the Only Begotten Son; we are created with spirtual and temporal bodies; the rebellion of man; the city of Zion; the everlasting covenant; the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
This electronic publication copyright © 2020; All Rights Reserved.Sermon by Elder Frederick F. Helvie, Resurrection Sunday 2020. The good tidings of the gospel and the kingdom of God, as prophesied in Isaiah 52:6-12; the antiquity of the gospel - the plan of redemption was prophesied from the very beginning, and spoken of by all the prophets; Jesus Christ is the pattern by which all things were made; the nature of the Father and the Only Begotten Son; we are created with spirtual and temporal bodies; the rebellion of man; the city of Zion; the everlasting covenant; the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
This electronic publication copyright © 2020; All Rights Reserved.Edmund C. Briggs describes in this tract his experience of attending the first conference of the RLDS Church, held in a beautiful little grove about five and one-half miles west of Beloit, Wisconsin, in the town of Newark. 36 numbered pages.
This electronic publication copyright © 2016; All Rights Reserved.Tract by President W. W. Blair of the RLDS Church. He shares his personal testimony of the restored gospel and also discusses the Reorganization of the Church.
This electronic publication copyright © 2016; All Rights Reserved.Fifty sermons by R. C. Evans of the RLDS Church. Published in London, Ontario, Canada in 1912. Topics include, "How Can A Man Be Born Again?" "Infant Baptism," "Pouring, Sprinkling, Immersion," "Did Jesus Baptize With Water Or The Holy Ghost?" "Faith Or Works? Death-Bed Repentance," "The Antiquity Of The Gospel," "The Godhead," "The Book Of Mormon," "Polygamy," "God Sends Strong Delusion. Why?" and many other topics.
This electronic publication copyright © 2016; All Rights Reserved.Sermon by Elder Frederick F Helvie 09-22-2019. Expounding of scripture, explaining why there was a need for the restoration. Defines the key points of the fullness of the gospel that are contained in the Book of Mormon and Inspired Version of the Holy Scriptures: To show unto the house of Israel what great things the Lord has done for their fathers; that they may know the covenants of the Lord; that they are not cast off forever; to the convincing of the Jew and Gentile that Jesus is the Christ, the Eternal God; manifesting himself unto all nations.
This electronic publication copyright © 2020; All Rights Reserved.Sermon by Elder Frederick F Helvie 09-22-2019, audio plus slides. Expounding of scripture, explaining why there was a need for the restoration. Defines the key points of the fullness of the gospel that are contained in the Book of Mormon and Inspired Version of the Holy Scriptures: To show unto the house of Israel what great things the Lord has done for their fathers; that they may know the covenants of the Lord; that they are not cast off forever; to the convincing of the Jew and Gentile that Jesus is the Christ, the Eternal God; manifesting himself unto all nations.
This electronic publication copyright © 2020; All Rights Reserved.The author states, "Divine healing is one of a group of spiritual gifts, such as faith, knowledge, wisdom, miracles, prophecy, tongues, interpretation of tongues, discerning of spirits, and revelation, which God has placed in his church."
This electronic publication created with the express approval of the original copyright holder: The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints (Community Of Christ). Copyright © 2014; All Rights Reserved.89 pages. Contains pictures of early ministers and workers in the R.L.D.S. Church.
This electronic publication copyright © 2018; All Rights Reserved.Contains resolutions adopted at a conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, held at Beloit, Wisconsin, USA on the 12th and 13th of June, 1852, as well as information for the scattered Saints. "Thus, brethren and sisters in captivity, in behalf of said Conference, and the Church of God, we address you, and despite the influence of opposing powers, point you to the source from whence cometh deliverance; We are not of those who seek after new paths, but the old: from which, in the dark and cloudy day we have strayed; for surely, the voice of the Lord is unto us, return, return unto me, oh! Israel."
This electronic publication copyright © 2010; All Rights Reserved.Pamphlet is designed to be printed out in a "booklet" format; choose booklet printing under your printer options.
This electronic publication copyright © 2014; All Rights Reserved.Contains three articles; The Choice Seer Who Is He, The Choice Seer More Light, and The Personality of God. The Personality of God contains six parts; There is One God, God is Christ and Savior, Christ is God, God and Christ are One, Jesus Christ-His Sonship, and The Personality of God.
This electronic publication copyright © 2011; All Rights Reserved.Sermon by Elder Frederick F. Helvie, Resurrection Sunday 2020, audio plus slides. The good tidings of the gospel and the kingdom of God, as prophesied in Isaiah 52:6-12; the antiquity of the gospel - the plan of redemption was prophesied from the very beginning, and spoken of by all the prophets; Jesus Christ is the pattern by which all things were made; the nature of the Father and the Only Begotten Son; we are created with spirtual and temporal bodies; the rebellion of man; the city of Zion; the everlasting covenant; the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
This electronic publication copyright © 2020; All Rights Reserved.Sermon by Elder Frederick F. Helvie, Resurrection Sunday 2020. The good tidings of the gospel and the kingdom of God, as prophesied in Isaiah 52:6-12; the antiquity of the gospel - the plan of redemption was prophesied from the very beginning, and spoken of by all the prophets; Jesus Christ is the pattern by which all things were made; the nature of the Father and the Only Begotten Son; we are created with spirtual and temporal bodies; the rebellion of man; the city of Zion; the everlasting covenant; the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
This electronic publication copyright © 2020; All Rights Reserved.Version #2
DISCLAIMER: This publication is provided due to its historical nature. Please read with caution as many ideas contained in the publication do not represent ideas or doctrine supported by #2
DISCLAIMER: This publication is provided due to its historical nature. Please read with caution as many ideas contained in the publication do not represent ideas or doctrine supported by #2
DISCLAIMER: This publication is provided due to its historical nature. Please read with caution as many ideas contained in the publication do not represent ideas or doctrine supported by #2
DISCLAIMER: This publication is provided due to its historical nature. Please read with caution as many ideas contained in the publication do not represent ideas or doctrine supported by information on how the Law of Moses was fulfilled and ceased with Christ as is taught by both the Bible and Book of Mormon. Gives multiple scripture references to validate this claim. The author states, "Every Latter Day Saint who teaches the law of Moses, or any part of it, or who seeks to justify himself by it, stands condemned by the unerring word of God, and is found fighting against God and his Christ."
This electronic publication copyright © 2016; All Rights Reserved.Brother Blair states in this article, "The tenacity with which the Utah leaders cling to the law of Moses when defending polygamy, retaliation, blood atonement, divorce, and the like, is simply astounding when we remember that Jesus, and Paul, and Nephi, and King Benjamin, and Abinadi, and Alma, and Mormon, all declare the law, all of it, 'every whit,' abolished at the death and --resurrection of Christ, when 'the new covenant,' the gospel was authoritatively confirmed and made binding upon all the world. (Heb 9: 15-17)."
This electronic publication copyright © 2016; All Rights Reserved.This is a revised version of the 1864 pamphlet. It was revised by Joseph Smith, III and W. W. Blair. "We purpose, in the following pages, to clearly demonstrate to the Latter Day Saints, that the doctrine of Polygamy is not a doctrine of righteousness - that it is not now, neither was it, in former days approbated by the Almighty."
This electronic publication copyright © 2014; All Rights Reserved.The author states, "We purpose, in the following pages, to clearly demonstrate to the Latter Day Saints, that the doctrine of Polygamy is not a doctrine of righteousness - that it is not now, neither was it, in former days approbated by the Almighty."
This electronic publication copyright © 2014; All Rights Reserved.Examines the doctrine of plural marriage or polygamy and presents inconsistencies regarding statements made by leading members of the LDS Church.
This electronic publication copyright © 2012; All Rights Reserved.Pamphlet which discusses the claims of two women, Zina D. Huntington Young and Emily D. Partridge Young who assert they were plural wives of Joseph Smith, Jr. Both claims are refuted in this pamphlet. It goes on to give evidence of the falsehood of the revelation on polygamy and further states, "That there is not nor has been any progeny of Joseph Smith except by his legal wife, Emma Hale, whom he married January 18, 1827."
This electronic publication copyright © 2014; All Rights Reserved.Retyped version of the original publication in Word format.
This electronic publication copyright © 2010; All Rights Reserved.Excerpt from the History Of Joseph Smith.
This electronic publication copyright © 2016; All Rights Reserved.Article on the ordination of Joseph Smith, Jr. and Oliver Cowdery by Peter, James and John to the Melchisedec Priesthood. "If language means anything, Joseph Smith was as much ordained and confirmed by the laying on of the hands of Peter, James, and John, to the Melchisedec priesthood as Joseph and Oliver were ordained to the Aaronic priesthood….God does not change his law concerning ordination nor his rule of conferring priesthood authority upon man."
This electronic publication copyright © 2014; All Rights Reserved.Divided into four parts. Discusses the development, exploratory inquiry, cultivation, and insights, meditations and affirmations of the holy gift of prophecy.
This electronic publication copyright © 2011; All Rights Reserved.12 pages. Updated Word version of the 1974 unpublished version. Divided into four parts. Discusses the development, exploratory inquiry, cultivation, and insights, meditations and affirmations of the holy gift of prophecy.
This electronic publication copyright © 2011; All Rights Reserved.Sermon by Elder Frederick F. Helvie, Resurrection Sunday 2020. The good tidings of the gospel and the kingdom of God, as prophesied in Isaiah 52:6-12; the antiquity of the gospel - the plan of redemption was prophesied from the very beginning, and spoken of by all the prophets; Jesus Christ is the pattern by which all things were made; the nature of the Father and the Only Begotten Son; we are created with spirtual and temporal bodies; the rebellion of man; the city of Zion; the everlasting covenant; the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
This electronic publication copyright © 2020; All Rights Reserved.Sermon by Elder Frederick F. Helvie, Resurrection Sunday 2020, audio plus slides. The good tidings of the gospel and the kingdom of God, as prophesied in Isaiah 52:6-12; the antiquity of the gospel - the plan of redemption was prophesied from the very beginning, and spoken of by all the prophets; Jesus Christ is the pattern by which all things were made; the nature of the Father and the Only Begotten Son; we are created with spirtual and temporal bodies; the rebellion of man; the city of Zion; the everlasting covenant; the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
This electronic publication copyright © 2020; All Rights Reserved.This version is different than the one found in the Biography Of Joseph F. Burton.
This electronic publication copyright © 2016; All Rights Reserved.Sermon by Elder Frederick F. Helvie, Resurrection Sunday 2020. The good tidings of the gospel and the kingdom of God, as prophesied in Isaiah 52:6-12; the antiquity of the gospel - the plan of redemption was prophesied from the very beginning, and spoken of by all the prophets; Jesus Christ is the pattern by which all things were made; the nature of the Father and the Only Begotten Son; we are created with spirtual and temporal bodies; the rebellion of man; the city of Zion; the everlasting covenant; the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
This electronic publication copyright © 2020; All Rights Reserved.Sermon by Elder Frederick F. Helvie, Resurrection Sunday 2020, audio plus slides. The good tidings of the gospel and the kingdom of God, as prophesied in Isaiah 52:6-12; the antiquity of the gospel - the plan of redemption was prophesied from the very beginning, and spoken of by all the prophets; Jesus Christ is the pattern by which all things were made; the nature of the Father and the Only Begotten Son; we are created with spirtual and temporal bodies; the rebellion of man; the city of Zion; the everlasting covenant; the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
This electronic publication copyright © 2020; All Rights Reserved.Sermon by Elder Frederick F. Helvie, Resurrection Sunday 2020. The good tidings of the gospel and the kingdom of God, as prophesied in Isaiah 52:6-12; the antiquity of the gospel - the plan of redemption was prophesied from the very beginning, and spoken of by all the prophets; Jesus Christ is the pattern by which all things were made; the nature of the Father and the Only Begotten Son; we are created with spirtual and temporal bodies; the rebellion of man; the city of Zion; the everlasting covenant; the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
This electronic publication copyright © 2020; All Rights Reserved.Sermon by Elder Frederick F. Helvie, Resurrection Sunday 2020, audio plus slides. The good tidings of the gospel and the kingdom of God, as prophesied in Isaiah 52:6-12; the antiquity of the gospel - the plan of redemption was prophesied from the very beginning, and spoken of by all the prophets; Jesus Christ is the pattern by which all things were made; the nature of the Father and the Only Begotten Son; we are created with spirtual and temporal bodies; the rebellion of man; the city of Zion; the everlasting covenant; the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
This electronic publication copyright © 2020; All Rights Reserved.Contains revelations received through Joseph Smith, Jr., chapters 1 to 65. Published by W. W. Phelps in Independence, Missouri, USA. A mob destroyed the printing press before all the revelations could be printed.
This electronic publication copyright © 2011; All Rights Reserved.Published in Zion's Ensign vol. 10:4 (April 20, 1899)
This electronic publication copyright © 2014; All Rights Reserved.1830 Palmyra edition of the Book of Mormon, published by E. B. Grandin.
This electronic publication copyright © 2010; All Rights Reserved.42 minute sermon by Elder George A. Njeim. In this sermon Elder Njeim talks about his understanding of the scriptures. Brother Njeim was born in Christchurch, New Zealand. He served as an appointee minister of the RLDS Church from 1930 to 1970 and served as a President Of Seventy starting in 1947.
This electronic publication copyright © 2016; All Rights Reserved.49 minute sermon by Apostle Arthur Oakman. He talks about Jesus Christ and the last supper. He also talks about agency and states, "We are free, for the origin of our actions is ourselves, but we are bound hand and foot because from ourselves there is no deliverance, unless it be through the mercy and the merits and the grace of Jesus Christ, who declares the love of God to us in those terms by which he is able to come to us and take us and lift us off of ourselves as center and re-center us in God."
This electronic publication copyright © 2015; All Rights Reserved.Sermon by Elder Frederick F. Helvie, Resurrection Sunday 2020. The good tidings of the gospel and the kingdom of God, as prophesied in Isaiah 52:6-12; the antiquity of the gospel - the plan of redemption was prophesied from the very beginning, and spoken of by all the prophets; Jesus Christ is the pattern by which all things were made; the nature of the Father and the Only Begotten Son; we are created with spirtual and temporal bodies; the rebellion of man; the city of Zion; the everlasting covenant; the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
This electronic publication copyright © 2020; All Rights Reserved.Sermon by Elder Frederick F. Helvie, Resurrection Sunday 2020, audio plus slides. The good tidings of the gospel and the kingdom of God, as prophesied in Isaiah 52:6-12; the antiquity of the gospel - the plan of redemption was prophesied from the very beginning, and spoken of by all the prophets; Jesus Christ is the pattern by which all things were made; the nature of the Father and the Only Begotten Son; we are created with spirtual and temporal bodies; the rebellion of man; the city of Zion; the everlasting covenant; the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
This electronic publication copyright © 2020; All Rights Reserved.Pamphlet discusses several points about Zion: what is Zion, an earthly kingdom, a social gospel, others have tried it, some myths concerning Zion, a definition of Zion, and Zionic principles.
This electronic publication copyright © 2015; All Rights Reserved.A series of sermons by President Elbert A. Smith of the RLDS Church, given during Zion Builder Services at Lamoni, Iowa and Independence, Missouri, USA between March and June 1921. Topics include Faith, Repentance, Baptism, Laying On Of Hands, The Resurrection And The Eternal Judgment, The Restoration, Our Spiritual Inheritance and Fundamentals. 118 pages total.
This electronic publication copyright © 2015; All Rights Reserved.Experience of Elder Alfred White given in 1885. He states that he was very concerned about how Zion would be redeemed. The voice of the God spoke to him and said, "'The time was when my people might have redeemed Zion, if they had kept my counsel, but now it has passed out of their power. I will redeem Zion in its time, and I will do it in this way:' Then I saw a narrow and very bright red ring which included Independence and a portion of the surrounding country, the center of which seemed to be a little southwest of where I was standing on a high spot of ground. Then he said, 'Do you see that ring?' I said, 'Yes.' Then he said, 'I have sanctified all of the ground inside of this ring, and I will not suffer any person to live inside of this ring except those who keep the celestial law.'" The experience continues for another 3 pages.
This electronic publication copyright © 2013; All Rights Reserved.